The benefits of using micro asphalt for your driveway

3rd February 2022

Replacing or putting down new asphalt for your driveway can be time-consuming. There is usually a short window of time when the weather is nice enough to allow you to lay a new driveway. You can eliminate many of the difficulties associated with building a driveway by using micro asphalt for your driveway.

It has several benefits.

Lay It Any Time of Year

With micro asphalt, you don’t need to wait for good weather. It is a special mix of aggregates and bitumen emulsions that may be laid in temperatures of 5°. Essentially, it means you can have your driveway done anytime between March to November. This flexibility allows you to get the driveway sorted quickly, whether you’re laying a new one or planning to replace an existing driveway.

It’s a Fast Process

Micro asphalt can be driven on within just 30 minutes, so you can use your new driveway shortly after it has been put down. The asphalt features a waterproof layer which improves road safety and traction while making it faster to set. This layer also keeps you and your family safe even in the worst weather. The fast turnaround time means it won’t interrupt your schedule. It can be finished and ready to drive on by the time you return from the shops.

Improve Your Home Value

A well-done driveway not only lasts you and your family for a long time, it can also be something that boosts the value of your home. If you wish to sell your property, consider that the driveway is often the first thing potential buyers see of the home. Having a smooth driveway greet them when they arrive gives them a good impression of the home.

Low Carbon Footprint

Because micro asphalt is applied cold, the carbon emissions are much lower than surface dressing and other tarmac options. Choosing the lower carbon footprint option can mean peace of mind and knowing that you’re doing the best thing for the environment.

Getting a new driveway shouldn’t be difficult or frustrating. Use micro asphalt to upgrade your driveway and immediately improve the look of your residential property. It will last for decades. There are many benefits to using micro asphalt for your driveway. Talk to an expert about your driveway needs and ask them about micro asphalt.

Hazell & Jefferies

At Hazell and Jefferies, we have micro asphalt and many other options for whatever your needs are. Contact us to make an appointment now.

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